Resident Evil: 5 Ways Capcom Can Save Their Zombie Franchise

2. Less Action, More Horror

Resident-evil-1knife Remember in the originals when you had to make every shot count? Hoarding all the magnum ammo you could find? Where you had about twenty shells for the shotgun to last the whole course of the game? This may just seem like a distant memory to the majority of Resident Evil veterans- who will remember the times of running out and resorting to your knife. The series seems to have forgotten its roots by having ammo lying around every corner and dropping from every bad guy. It really takes away from the atmosphere. The same goes for allowing every playable character to be a master in martial arts. Seeing Leon or Chris going all Jackie Chan on the bad guys just feels so wrong, and not one of them good wrongs where it almost feels right.
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Daniel McMurtry is a video game and film enthusiast from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is currently studying media at college and also dabbles in film making. You can follow him on Twitter at