Resident Evil 6: 14 Reasons Why It Sucks

3. You Can Move While Shooting

This one's a divisive one, because the inability to move and shoot has been a mainstay of the Resident Evil series for the last 15 years, yet in the sixth game, we are finally awarded the opportunity to run and gun. While it seems a lot more realistic that we might be able to do this, and having to stand still to fire feels like a horribly artificial way to enhance the game's difficulty, it also created some awkward scenarios in the demo; the more chaotic nature of the game, for one, makes running and gunning quite impractical compared to the more sedate pace of the earlier games. Furthermore, the problematic aiming - which flutters about all over the place unless you buy a Steady Aim pick-up which can only be accessed a few hours into the full game - makes moving and shooting difficult, so often it is just preferable to stand still anyway. It doesn't make sense; why include such a feature if it's not going to be that functional anyway? It seems like an arbitrary addition to satisfy the more casual crowd they are trying to attract this time...

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]