Resident Evil 6: 14 Reasons Why It Sucks

4. Lame Obstacles

This is one of those annoying issues that we typically associate with older games, whereby limitations have been built into the mechanics in order to restrict the player and disguise technical limitations, usually hardware-related. However, there's no excuse for a very strange obstacle that we encountered mere minutes into playing Resident Evil 6; Leon and Helena are walking through the college campus, and come to a lecture hall, and the first thing to catch our eye is a green herb. We walk up to it, but our way down the gangway is obstructed by a small piece of broken furniture; why can't we just leap over it like we do with so many other objects in this game? We thought we were past this in games now, but apparently not; Capcom have introduced an obstacle that isn't only wafer-thin in conception, but also rather pointless, given that all you have to do is run down some steps and run up some more to collect it. All it does is bore the player, so frankly, what's the point? We can only hope that the rest of the game isn't filled with such banal, superficial restrictions.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]