Resident Evil 6: 5 Reasons It'll Be Better Than Resident Evil 5

2. A Return of Zombies!

Yes! It seems the good old flesh-eaters are making a return to the Resident Evil series. Don€™t get me wrong, I didn€™t mind the infected villagers from Resident Evil 4 and 5 but there was something a little less frightening about them. Sure, the last two games have been intense at times with axes flying towards the protagonist€™s face but is there really anything more brutal than having your faced chewed off by a once-pretty un-dead girl? It is nice to see that Capcom have returned to their roots in this respect as it was the traditional Romero-esque shufflers that made the series so unique and terrifying in the first place. Viewing the small bits of game-play I have seen, it appears that Capcom have updated the character models and made every zombie truly original. For example, in the short trailer for Leon€™s campaign we see zombies with different walks, some with weapons and even a zombie with an axe embedded in his neck. This is the sort of detail I€™ve always wanted to see in a Resident Evil game and is a far-cry from the green shirt, red shirt, and woman zombie clichés from the first couple of games. Capcom seems to have taken the zombification to an epic scale too as the first trailer treated us to a zombified President of the United States and the whole world seems to have gone to zombie-shit! All of this was bookended by Leon speaking the terrifying these terrifying words €œ It€™s like Raccoon City all over again€. So, we€™ve got a city full of proper zombies? Count me in.

Ginger gamer and practising historian from South Wales.