Resident Evil 7: 10 Big Rumours That Would Save The Franchise

4. Bring Back The Cinematic Camera Angles

With a strong indication that the next instalment in the franchise may have more in common with the first Resident Evil than the sixth, there's a good chance that fans will see a return for the famously frustrating camera angles that featured earlier in the series. Whether it was intentional or not, the stilted camera angles and clunky control scheme of the original title, while at times frustrating, had a massive impact on the player€™s experience of the game. It gave you a sense of helplessness that made the horror aspect all the more palpable. More importantly, it also made enemies much more difficult to kill when compared to more recent games. In the first game, a single zombie could cause you some serious trouble, while in Resident Evil 5 Chris Redfield can use a machine gun to mow down hundreds of enemies with relative ease. The threat of death oddly dropped as more vicious, more numerous enemies were introduced. While a full-game of difficult camera angles isn€™t necessarily the best way forward, RE7 could employ the tactic at key moments to heighten the sense of fear and hark back to previous instalments.

After graduating with a degree in English Literature from the University of Warwick, Barclay worked for a year in outdoor advertising. A keen music fan, Barclay previously reviewed singles for a Midlands-based music website while studying. He quit work to travel around Europe for 6 weeks, before deciding it was time to return to reality. When he isn't freelance writing, Barclay enjoys seeing his hopes and dreams inevitably crushed while supporting Tottenham Hotspur.