Resident Evil 7: 10 Big Rumours That Would Save The Franchise
5. Capcom Want To Cut Out The Bloat
While Resident Evil 4 is seen by some as the pinnacle of the series, it is also undoubtedly where the series started to take a more action-focused route. This was then continued in RE5 and taken to the extreme in RE6. The Quick Time Events, which were used so effectively at first, became an excuse for massively overblown set pieces, devoid of any real drama or immersive gameplay. Capcoms former vice president of marketing Michael Pattinson admitted that RE6 was a bit too much at times and suggested the company had taken note of the feedback. "With Resident Evil 6 specifically, we probably put too much content in there, there were comments from consumers that said it felt bloated," he said. You'll find where we go next will likely be more targeted at our core fanbase. Hopefully that means that Capcom are working on a Resident Evil game that is more intimate and focused and draws on the gameplay seen recently in the Revelations games.
After graduating with a degree in English Literature from the University of Warwick, Barclay worked for a year in outdoor advertising. A keen music fan, Barclay previously reviewed singles for a Midlands-based music website while studying. He quit work to travel around Europe for 6 weeks, before deciding it was time to return to reality. When he isn't freelance writing, Barclay enjoys seeing his hopes and dreams inevitably crushed while supporting Tottenham Hotspur.