Resident Evil 7: 10 Controversial Things It Can Learn From 6

6. Being Up Against An Unstoppable Foe

The Ustanak was scary. He€™s a massive, hulking, mechanically armed, undead, nigh-invincible creature that stalks Jake and Sherry throughout the game. He does not make for pleasant gaming. But what he does do is call back to the scare tactics of the now near past survival horror genre. Pyramid Head from Silent Hill, Nemesis from RE 3, these were both massive, super hard to defeat enemies that seemed to just come and go as they pleased. They were hunters, and you were their prey. Resi 6 brought back the feeling of being stalked, the feeling of helplessness against a far greater enemy. This is a feeling 7 needs to learn and imitate.

A nerd of Video Games, Movies, Sports, and History. He never makes mistakes. He thought he did once, but he was mistaken.