Resident Evil 7: 10 Controversial Things It Can Learn From 6

7. Intense Stealth

One interesting game mechanic Resi 6 brought to the series was stealth. In Jake€™s campaign the player is, at times, forced to sneak around enemies (most notably the giant stalking beast named the Ustanak) and it leads to some fantastically tense moments. Being spotted by something you so desperately wish to avoid is actually a classic horror trope. Very little beats the fear of realising that the thing that was looking for you has, well, found you. Sneaking and stealth is not a massively used element in 6, but it was certainly done effectively. Resident Evil 7 should really capitalise on that primordial horror element that links so well into stealth, and give the mechanic far more primacy. Fans of the original camera static games may not have liked the change to action, but surely they could get behind a change from action to stealth?

A nerd of Video Games, Movies, Sports, and History. He never makes mistakes. He thought he did once, but he was mistaken.