Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - The Baker Family Explained

The Tragedy Of The Bakers

The Baker Family Resident Evil

What makes the Baker family such perfectly chilling villains to come up against is the fact that, underneath their monstrous appearances and volatile personalities, they are a group of people that most players can see themselves and their own loved ones reflected in. Closely bound and driven by a strong shared moral compass, they are condemned to their fates due to doing the right thing and being the perfect example of a family that Eveline ends up wanting to be a part of.

For a series known for its huge plots, high stakes and disgusting collection of zombies and monsters, having a family like the Bakers act as the main antagonists lends this chapter in the franchise with arguably more depth and more personality than anything else that had come before it, and is a big reason as to why stripping things back and tackling a new direction proved to be such a refreshing hit for both Capcom and their fans.

With exception to Lucas, every member of the Baker family has so much to redeem their actions with, and even Eveline is acting out of a desire to belong and be loved. It helps to humanise them even in their most monstrous of forms, and really is essential in selling the true themes of the game.

Lucas, however, is the genuine bad guy of the game, and one of the most sinister antagonists Resident Evil has ever put before players. There's no infection or confusion with him he can hide behind or excuse himself with, Lucas is just a pure-blooded killer who takes great pride in revelling over the harm he brings. And again, for a franchise known for its outlandish mutants and sickening sights, there's something even more chilling about the true horrors of the game emerging from something so relevant to the real world.


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