Resident Evil 8: 10 Things It MUST Learn From RE2 Remake

8. Old-School Game Design Still Works

Resident Evil 2 Door

As mentioned, Capcom completely overhauled Resident Evil 2 from a mechanical perspective, but the general structure was mostly maintained. Players were still tasked with moving through open areas like the RCPD prison and solving a whole host of adventure game-style puzzles in order to progress.

Even back in the day this seemed contrived, partly explained away by the prison being a former art museum, and there was a worry that modern audiences wouldn't be able to take this kind of obtuse formula seriously.

Like Doom proved in 2016, however, there's a way to return to these archaic gameplay loops and make them feel fresh again. After years of action-oriented survival horror titles, fully embracing this kind of puzzle solving and exploration-heavy gameplay was the best thing Resident Evil could have done. While other areas needed updating, this core structure absolutely did not.

To its credit, Resident Evil 7 did make an effort to move back to this formula, but it eventually gave way to a more generic style of linear play during its final hours. The success of 2 proves the developers didn't have to hedge their bets on this with their last game, and can fully embrace it going forward.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3