Resident Evil 8: 10 Things It MUST Learn From RE2 Remake

7. Alternate Playthroughs

Resident Evil 2 Remake Claire 2060x1063

While they're not quite as robust or varied as in the original games, the inclusion of different characters to play as in Resident Evil 2 more than does enough to extend the "core" experience beyond the base 10 hours or so. Leon and Claire's campaigns aren't wholly different, and you will be revisiting areas and story beats, but there is enough variation there to make completing both worthwhile.

From a macro perspective, the differences in characterisation, cast and story more than justify any creeping sense of familiarity, but there are subtler changes that keep the experience fresh as well. Even something as small as different enemy placement can keep you on your toes on multiple runthroughs, constantly ensuring that you never get complacent.

Unfortunately, except from a Hardcore mode (which 2 also boasts), there wasn't much reason to revisit RE7 once you saw the credits roll. It's not like it was a character-driven journey or that there weren't other great cast members you could have theoretically played as, so hopefully the franchise re-embraces this element going forward.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3