Resident Evil 8 Village Review: 8 Ups & 2 Downs


8. Making Resident Evil 7 Feel Like A Beta

resident evil 8

Many were disappointed to see Resident Evil jump from third to first person with the seventh entry in the franchise, even though a bunch of the side games had done this almost twenty years prior.

After those critics were chased around by Jack Baker for a bit, they were soon silenced, but somehow Village makes the previous game look as if it were a beta. Everything has been expanded upon here, and controls feel more responsive and fluid.

Whereas Resident Evil 7 felt like a test case, Village is a full-blown first-person experience. Scarpering through the titular Village in the opening hours wouldn’t feel as desperate or dangerous if it took on the classic perspective. Instead it feels confined and unfamiliar, so quickly you'll go from rummaging around looking for supplies and secrets to making a last stand wherever possible. The scares are intensified with such a small field of view.

Not only that, but every nook; every little corner is dripping with detail, and at least on PlayStation 5, this game is by far the best looking title Capcom have committed to code.

You can’t go into detail on the perspective without diving into combat...


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.