Resident Evil: Ranking Every Boss From Worst To Best

7. Verdugo

Resident Evil Bosses

Appears In: Resident Evil 4

With only two recorded to have ever been in existence, the Verdugo cast a vast shadow over the middle sections of Resident Evil 4. Serving as bodyguards for Ramon Salazar, the two hulking Xenomoporh like humanoids concealed themselves under Los Iluminados robes to not be identified at first sight. The mere presence of them was purely terrifying.

The one in red is what Leon has to contend with in the lower sewer levels as the Verdugo doesn’t face him head-on, but stalks its assigned prey. Before revealing itself to Leon, the player is treated to the perspective of the Verdugo as it tracks them down, getting ever so closer with each room entered. Facing the long dark corridors was truly a hard task with it popping out from anywhere with the chance of an instant kill.

How To Beat:

Verdugo is almost impervious to all of Leon’s standard attacks. There's no other choice but to squeeze around it until liquid nitrogen is introduced into the mix. From there, throwing them to the floor and shooting the canisters (covering the Verdugo) will be the only way to take this assassin out.

Thankfully, Leon never has the face the second one as it fuses with Salazar and the Queen Plaga.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.