Resistance - Why It FAILED

Launching the PlayStation 3

Resistance Fall Of Man

Insomniac hadn't tackled the genre since their debut title Disruptor, which came out in the early days of the PlayStation a decade prior. In the sixth and seventh generation, however, Halo was dominating sales charts globally and after Killzone was met with a mixed reception in 2004, the PlayStation brand needed to compete.

Resistance: Fall of Man takes place in an alternative 1950s setting in which World War Two never happened; instead, the hideous Chimera emerged in Russia and quickly overran all of Europe with their insidious infection. When England falls, the Americans commit to military action and in the first wave is Seargent Nathan Hale, a man with a hidden resistance to the Chimeran virus. The game follows Hale across ten locations across the UK as he and other fighters attempt to liberate the island from the monsters.

Players were treated to a title that didn't stray too far from the fast-paced shooters of the times; you'll be taking on the enemy, traversing through the levels and occasionally hopping into a tank or jeep for some vehicular action. The big selling point for the franchise was its weapons; Insomniac had already proven themselves with Ratchet and Clank and they did it again for this more mature series.

The bullseye fired a tag that caused bullets that homed in on enemies, the auger was able to fire through walls and hailstorm fired bullets that bounced off the walls. With an arsenal like this, Resistance: Fall of Man was able to set itself apart with much of the fun coming from being able to play around with these destructive toys. As the game's campaign went on, the options in combat would only expand further.


A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website and my YouTube channel at