Resistance - Why It FAILED
A Successful If Unremarkable Opening
While Resistance: Fall of Man did claim the title of "best game to own on day one", it still had its issues. The story, for all its intriguing background lore, was fairly sub-par. We didn't learn much about the characters and the protagonist throughout the campaign, which lessened the potential provided by the alternate history setting and surrounding lore.
In addition, whenever it was compared to its biggest competitors, Fall of Man didn't offer much beyond the FPS juggernauts with its opening shot. At the very least, it did offer bloody forty-player deathmatches on day one, something the PS3 desperately needed. Be that as it may, it certainly wasn't the killer app that would get one over the surging success of the Xbox 360.
Insomniac would be split between two projects in the years to come; one moment they would be working on the Ratchet and Clank Future trilogy and the next they would be focusing on continuing Resistance as a franchise. It would take two years for the sequel to come together.