Rocket League: 10 Essential Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

2. Know When To Hang Back

Although it€™s not the most glamorous of positions, especially in a game so offensively focused as Rocket League, hanging back as a goal-keeper from time to time is essential, especially in those matches that go down to the wire. Knowing when to attack and when to defend is absolutely essential to the game, as having a poorly coordinated squad who all just rocket toward the ball stealing each other's shots can mean the difference between a close match or being completely dominated. Spending too much time in either role is going to be detrimental in the long run, but reading the flow of the game and understanding when it's going to be the best time to attack or defend is essential in making sure you come out on top in every match. When you€™re drawn at 2-2 with only 30 seconds to go, you€™ll be thankful that one of you decided to hang back and clear that last-second attempt off the line.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3