Sekiro: 18 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You
16. Fleeing Battle & Hiding Will Reset Enemy Health
Something I learnt the hard way. Though Sekiro brings in stealth mechanics from FromSoftware's somewhat forgotten stealth franchise Tenchu, there are things in place to prevent you cheesing the A.I.
Take to the rooftops and you'll see enemies' heads track your movements for a good half-minute afterwards. This is the game's way of telling you that that particular encounter is "active", as if you break sight or otherwise "disconnect" from combat, enemy health will reset back to maximum.
Stealth kills can be very valuable in any encounter as I'll get to, so if you're retreating away from a bout, make sure it's for a quick heal or to catch your breath, as too long and you'll have to do everything all over again.