Sekiro 2: 10 Major Changes We Need To See

8. More Time Travelling Levels Like The Hirata Estate

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice intro

These kinds of levels - or indeed any type of level - may well end up being DLC, however as of now, we can only dream.

After retrieving the first bell and travelling to the Hirata Estate in the past, players are left wondering how many more bells are out there and where they will take you.

But there just... aren't. You get one, and that's your lot.

There's an obstacle course-like temple where you need to chase after several monkeys towards the end of the game, but again, it's a one-off.

Both of these examples are a shame given the game's fantastical setting, and Sekiro is begging for a few more dreamlike areas to explore.

Seeing as FromSoft bothered to introduce the idea of delving into the past in the first place, it feels like a missed opportunity to not flesh this out further.


Alex Harvey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.