Sekiro 2: 10 Major Changes We Need To See

7. More Weapons

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice intro

There's no denying the combat looks and feels awesome, which is remarkable considering you only have the one sword throughout the entire game.

It would be cool, though, if players were given access to a few more weapons like in the Soulsborne games - maybe give us two forms/functions like in Bloodborne. That way, if the sword isn't working for some on a certain encounter or a single blade just isn't their style, they can switch to something else.

It's been tried and tested for many a game in the past; switching range for damage or damage for speed etc without altering or compromising the difficulty level.

How cool would it be to combine the different combat arts with different weaponry?

"Ichimonji: Double" with a hammer, anyone?


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