Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 10 Boss Cheese Methods You Need To Know

7. Snake Eyes Shirahagi

SEKIRO snake eyes

Now technically this isn’t a main boss, but Snake Eyes Shirahagi hits hard, is tough as old beef and makes use of a horrible combo weapon that is one part hook blade, one part shotgun and all part "OH COME ON I WAS BARELY NEAR YOU."

To combat, why not try some underhanded tricks of your own?

First off, spawn in on the left of the area and take out the two guards without alerting her, then sneak up behind to take the first pip of health. After you’ve enraged the rag-covered rage-monster, head to the buddha statue on the opposite side and lure her into the poison swamp.

Finding the right position can be tough with some players telling you to go to the top of the statue and others to the cliff ledge on the right, but once you’ve found a baiting position, you can lead Snake Eyes into the swamp where it will inflict poison damage as she walks back and forth.

Hey, if she’s not going to play fair and stash a gun in her staff, why should we?

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