Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: 10 Optional Bosses You Need To Fight

9. Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

There are a couple of Seven Ashina Spears mini-bosses to be found in Sekiro, but it's this one that's perhaps the most difficult, and most essential for making sure you're as kitted out as possible.

Just past the Ashina Reservoir idol, in the same location the game started in, you'll return to find the area swarming with enemies and a couple of giants on the defensive. Just fighting all of these guys can be tough, and while it's not essential to kill them before taking on the boss, it's worth it to completely eliminate the possibility of one of the giants noticing your bout and joining in.

To get through this area as quickly and efficiently as possibly, you want to start by stealth killing one of the bigger enemies, then sprinting to each smaller one and wailing on them until you get a deathblow. Not only does this speed thing up, but it'll make sure you avoid the ranged attacks coming your way. Hopefully, if you've been quick, you'll get the chance to stealth kill the final giant, but if not he's not too hard now that his minions have been defeated.

Only then are you finally ready to ascend the stairs to the temple where you found Kuro, and take on Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi. However, you don't actually want to fight him head on, but slip around the left hands side and climb around to the tower. From there, you can get in behind him and nail a backstab deathblow for a major advantage.

He's quite an aggressive foe, and even with one health bar can be a challenge, but once you know when to Miriki counter and jump counter his sweeps, should be a piece of cake.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3