Shenmue 3: 10 Things It Must Do To Appeal To The Modern Gamer

8. No Job System

The forklift driving sections of Shenmue 1 were brilliant mostly because they were constantly broken up by battles with the Mad Angels, as well as playing an important part in the actual story.

The jobs in Shenmue 2...not so much.

Jobs in Shenmue 2 felt like a real chore. From carrying crates with that idiot Delin - who couldn't walk backwards in a straight line if his life depended on it - to losing money trying to win games of Lucky Hit, the job system slowed the game down enormously for those who didn't want to exploit the gambling dens to get some quick cash.

While this wouldn't have been so bad if they were an optional part of the game, there are numerous points where Ryo needs to raise a large amount of money to meet people, which meant you would have to do some work unless you had a good collection of capsule toys or gambled successfully.

If the job system is to be kept, it either needs to pay very well or should not be an integral part of the game to ensure it holds the modern gamer's attention.

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Shenmue 3
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Lee Price is a writer for and Starburst Magazine, which is published in the UK. He is currently working as a freelance writer. He hopes to one day fund his addiction to video games by writing about video games, and he maintains a sporadically updated blog at leesrandombulls*