Silent Hill: 10 Terrifying Jump-Scares That Scarred You For Life

5. Silent Hill 4: The Room - Apartment 302 Hauntings

Silent Hill 302

The various hauntings of your apartment in Silent Hill 4: The Room form a big part of whether or not you get a satisfactory ending for the game. Revisiting the apartment is a big feature, but some of the hauntings that take place will make you wish you didn't have to go back at all.

There are plenty of creepy examples, but only a couple of them can inflict genuine jump scares on you. Emerging ghosts will be one of these, since they can take place in any room of the apartment. Only one ghost will appear at a time, but the sudden piercing of the calmness in the room is genuinely freaky.

The closet visitor is also a surprisingly scary one, where the shadow of a small boy appears in the doorway of the bedroom's closet. The appearance of the boy hearkens back to a similarly scary moment from earlier in the series, but we'll have more on that later on...


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.