Silent Hill: Ranking 9 Games From Best To Worst

1. Silent Hill 2

36246 Was there really any doubt? James Sunderland receives a letter from his dead wife, insisting that she€™s alive and waiting for him in their special place. James traverses the town meeting more yet equally distressed characters, but it€™s how the writers weave all of their unsettling and downright disgusting past into a story intricately and subtlety based on sex, rape, and murder. The game€™s central executioner antagonist Pyramid Head stalks James every step of the way as the narrative builds towards mind-bending twists laced with unnerving themes. Taboo doesn€™t even begin to describe some of the scenarios found in this iconic masterpiece where every character, enemy, scene, and item is stuffed with symbolism. The original score by Akira Yamoaka is also the greatest soundtrack in all of gaming. If you haven€™t played Silent Hill 2 but consider yourself an aficionado of narrative driven games, than do so immediately. So, there you have it, the rankings of Silent Hill from one of the most dedicated and passionate fans around. Let us know below if you agree or disagree.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.