Skyrim: 10 Best Ways To Play Without Mods

8. No HUD, Stealth Archer

Skyrim character mod

Everyone knows the struggle of trying to avoid becoming a stealth archer. No matter how hard you try to restrain and play as an axe-wielding barbarian, you eventually end up playing as a shadowy assassin wielding a bow. However, if you find that you always drift towards this option, try turning the HUD and make the stealth archer option that bit more challenging and interesting.

Whilst nearly every playstyle can benefit from playing without the HUD, the stealth archer becomes exponentially tougher to master. Having to use a bow without the crosshair means you have to learn your bow really well and know exactly how to aim based simply on in-game cues. And when you do master the shooting, you can feel like even more of a badass as you zip around the shadows, picking off enemies as if you were Legolas himself.

You also have to learn how to properly sneak as you can't rely on the shadow indicator forcing you to keep your wits about you and use the shadows as the game intended. It's a genuinely small change, but it can transform a stealth archer playthrough exponentially.

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