Skyrim: 16 Best Mods Of All Time

9. Magic - Apocalypse

skyrim frostfall

There are a number of excellent magic mods out there. However, the issue with a lot of them it they're basic re-textures or re-purposes of other spells and powers. There are several exceptions to that rule, with Apocalypse being an exceptional example.

Under the full name "Apocalypse: Magic of Skyrim", this mod adds over 150 brand new lore-friendly spells with unique animations and effects. With this entry it's probably easier to run down a few of the best spells in the pack, including:

Drop Zone, an Alteration spell which creates an area where you take no fall damage;

Static Dome, a huge dome of electricity that decimates all within;

Gravisphere, a scroll exclusive spell that sucks targets into a floating sphere.

There are tons of creative spells in this one pack alone. Bethesda only wishes they had the creativity to come up with some of these! Author Enai Siaion is truly a master wizard.

Runners Up:

Travel By Arrow - Fast-travel is boring, so launch a magical arrow to your destination and watch the world fly by.

Colourful Magic - A pack full of fun & colourful spells, including a tidal wave and summon Thor.

Spectraverse: Magic of the Magna-Ge - Available with just spells or a full quest, Spectraverse gives you some of the most creative & destructive spells ever programmed.


A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!