Skyrim: 5 Reasons It Was Over-Rated

3. The Acting

Another fan-praised element of Skyrim was the writing, acting and story. While I'll leave my judgement on the story out, as opinion on story is different to everyone and therefore irrelevant. But the acting is hardly revolutionary. There seemed to be 20 actors spread out over hundreds of roles. And aside from the repetition, the acting was sub-par at best. The accents were fake and goofy, and while every effort was spared to make the minor roles sound Nordic, the main roles all had American accents. Very suspicious.

4. The NPCs

Let's move onto a gripe of mine, and this one is in Mass Effect as well. The NPC's were all made in the character creation tool, so you can see repeated traits all over the game. It's possible to see someone who likes just like you. And they sound like every other NPC in the game. I understand having one system for making NPC's, but at least make it different to the players choices.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!