Skyrim Dawnguard DLC Revealed at E3 2012


As I mentioned earlier, each faction has fortress of its own, which the player will be able to fully explore. Also featured in the game is the Soul Cairn, shown in the trailer as an eerie graveyard. Last featured in the Elder Scrolls series 15 years ago in An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, the unique realm of Oblivion is home to undead spirits from the mortal realm, driven insane by endless wandering. The inclusion of the Soul Cairn has opened up speculation about the inclusion of other realms of Oblivion in the add-on. Although I see this as highly unlikely, I must admit that it would be a pleasure to return to the Deathlands, Mehrunes Dagon's realm that featured in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
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DLC E3 Skyrim
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Paul is a 15-year-old student from the UK, and has combined his fondness of video games and writing to cover video games for WhatCulture's gaming section. Although new to any form of online writing, he is enthusiastic and determined, hoping that he can use WhatCulture as a platform to get a job in professional journalism.