Sony Japan Studio: 28 Best Games They Helped Create

18. Rogue Galaxy

sony japan studio

Developed by: Level-5

Level-5 and Japan Studio joined to give players another sprawling world to explore, grind and battle in.

Galaxy refreshingly took their formula into a vivid Sci-Fi world, letting gamers explore planet after planet to fight an impending evil. As with most Level-5 products, the main plot falls flat, but the colorful cast of characters, and enjoyable sidequest and activities (including Bug fighting tournaments?), are what it is all about.

For the dev, it also marked an interesting moment. They had started as a small studio that Sony took a chance on, but by the time of this production, had successfully taken over Square Enix's Dragon Quest series, and were in production on the first Professor Layton installment for Nintendo (in a relationship that would take priority over Sony).

They still created a few more projects for PlayStation: Jeanne D'Arc, a top-notch tactical RPG limited by the PSP, and The White Knight Chronicles, a PS3 series that was a fairly generic spin on what they did best.

Yet, the overlooked Rogue Galaxy is in many ways the last hurrah between the Level-5 and Japan Studio...a team that flourished fantastically well together.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.