Sony Japan Studio: 28 Best Games They Helped Create

10. Gravity Rush

sony japan studio

Developed by: Team Siren

Once Team Siren had squeezed the juice from their titular horror series, they swayed their focus to something completely out of the comfort zone.

The troubled PS Vita needed killer apps that took advantage of its additional tech features - Siren was up for the (difficult) task, creating of its sole must-play titles.

Eschewing the grim realism of the Siren titles, Rush is presented in a lush Anime world, with an amnesiac waif, named Kat, tasked to save existence and armed with the ability to manipulate the rules of gravity.

And therein lies the hook, wherever the gamer is battling tense combat scenarios, or just traveling to the next checkpoint, the gravity rush ability is an absolute blast to behold.

Taking a while to master, but by the game's end (and an upgraded skill tree), Kat becomes a flipping force to be reckoned with.

The mechanics are what stunned with the first entry. Yet, several flaws (slim plot, limited budget, repetitive missions) were much improved for Gravity Rush 2, a full-fledged PS4 release.

Unfortunately, both entries sold badly, and Team Siren parted ways from Japan Studio in 2020. They have reformed as Brokeh Game Studio, with a new horror game in the works.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.