Sony Japan Studio: 28 Best Games They Helped Create

9. Soul Sacrifice

sony japan studio

Co-Developed by: Marvelous AQL

This open-world hack-and-slasher demands gamer's investment yet reaps plenty of rewards in return, and is clearly considered to be the last Triple-A hurrah for the doomed PS Vita.

Designed by game legend Keji Inafune (Mega Man series) in a collaboration between Japan Studio and Marvelous, it takes elements from Japan's two biggest franchises: Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry.

From the former, it grabs the massive world, co-op options, monstrous bosses and.. .oh yeah, and the grinding. From the latter, it absorbed the dark fantasy world, button-mashing combat, and vast, customizable move sets.

It made for a sweet combination of the best elements of both franchises (with a decent story to boot), even if it inherited their flaws too. Regardless, it was a deep and satisfying action experience tailor-made to play on the go for Sony's second-generation portable.

It at least let the device go out on a relatively high note, let's hope it gets ported to modern devices at some point, cause this game still rocks (and Sony might shut down the Vita store soon).

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.