Sony Japan Studio: 28 Best Games They Helped Create

1. Astro’s Playroom

sony japan studio

Developed by: Team Asoboi

Japan Studio's last solo effort (featuring the continued adventures of Astro Bot), deserves all the credit its been getting.

For a free tech demo showcasing the DualSense 5 controller for PS5, it's a charming, inventive enthralling journey that also ends up being one of the best PS5 console launch games as well.

Yet, its success is bittersweet, as the unanimous positive reception for the Astro Bot series has overshadowed anything else the Japan Studio has done recently. Therefore it will become the main focus going forward, as Team Asoboi essentially becomes Japan Studio, with the rest of the divisions dissolve.

It was sadly inevitable, as the other sections had slowly begun to disband, and the majority of games (outside of some key co-productions) just weren't selling.

It's ironic then that this adorable non-threatening android would be its death-knell (and rebirth) for this long-standing studio...but here we are.

Fittingly, the game is also a fantastic love letter to PlayStation itself, with several nods to famous franchises, characters, and consoles of the brand past: a journey that Japan Studio was very much a part of...

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.