Soul Calibur 6: 10 Guest Characters Namco Must Consider

4. Ryu Hayubusa (Ninja Gaiden)

Ninja Gaiden ryu gaiden

Why hasn't this already happened? Ryu Hayubusa is one of the most popular ninja in gaming history. His wide arsenal of ninja tools and weapons would be perfect for Soul Calibur 6.

Considering how great Ryu is in Tecmo's Dead or Alive series, it's surprising that Namco Bandai haven't thought to include him in Soul Calibur 6. Ryu makes perfect sense considering the huge amount of weapons that he uses.

Ryu could use quick combos with his Falcon's Talons, cause wider damage with his Lunar Staff and even perform medium range attacks with his iconic Dragon Sword. Ryu's magic and speed could also be implemented into some of his special moves and combos, making him feel much more unique.

Switching up these weapons mid-combo would make Ryu absolutely unstoppable, as well as a perfect match for Soul Calibur's weapon-based combat.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.