Spider-Man 2 - 10 Essential Fan Demands It Must Include

1. Flashbacks

Spider-Man PS4 Kingpin

Insomniac managed to put their own spin on the Marvel universe with Spider-Man, and that approach necessitated the creation of a new history. The player pieces together bits and pieces of Peter's past via the collection of various backpacks stashed across the city, and while part of the fun is figuring out the events leading up to the current story yourself, the odd flashback here or there wouldn't hurt a sequel.

This incarnation of the wall-crawler is as storied as any other, and it'd be great to give players the opportunity to relive his defining moments. What was it like when he first went up against the Kingpin? Did he receive any lessons off other heroes while starting off as Spider-Man? Did he ever freelance for the Daily Bugle? It would be great to have these questions answered, but even better to see how they played out during the character's formative years.

It might seem like a slight contradiction after praising the studio for its decision to focus on an older Peter, but the two elements aren't mutually exclusive. Flashbacks shouldn't be a focus either, but the reemergence of Harry Osborn invites discussion regarding Parker's past. How great would it be to relive it in bits and pieces?

If it worked for X-Men Legends, then it can work for Spidey.


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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.