Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 10 Biggest Reveals And Screenshots From Game Informer
9. The Game's Creative Team

Insomniac has assembled a pretty spectacular creative team for Spider-Man: Miles Morales, with Ben Arfmann appointed the lead writer and Mary Kenney joining the project in the middle of production. Evan Narcisse, meanwhile, joined the game as a narrative-design consultant.
If Narcisse's name is familiar, it's because he's a comic book writer who penned Rise of the Black Panther for Marvel and, believe it or not, he also wrote a single line for the first game (when Peter Parker passes comment on the Wakandan Embassy). The hope of this impressive trio was to tell a modern coming-of-age story about a teenager who "is falling in love with a new place."
Miles lived in Brooklyn in the first game, but has moved to Harlem alongside his family in this sequel.
Nadji Jeter, who voices Miles in Disney XD's Spider-Man animated series, returns for the game, and says, "When he is Spider-Man, he is a different person. He's not that kid anymore. He's that man. He's that leader. It was a great transition, but I also needed it to blend everything together, to make it human."