Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 13 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

12. Target Time Capsules For Easy Ability Tokens

spider man miles morales

So you've decided to focus on unlocks, and you're hoovering up Ability Tokens to nab every last gadget or suit upgrade for that Platinum trophy.

Random crimes give you one or two Tokens based on in-mission goals, and re-running the story feels all over the place, as there's no consistency to what you get at the end of a chapter.

Step forward then, Time Capsules.

Designed to flesh out Miles' lifelong friendship to Phin, each Capsule gives you three Ability Tokens, and all you have to do is walk up and push Triangle to claim them.

There are nine in total so 27 tokens are up for grabs - more than enough to secure 100% when taken alongside the main narrative.

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