Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 13 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

11. Some Specific Camouflage Tips

Spider-Man Miles Morales

Miles' camouflage ability is more than just a quick toggle to thin the ranks before a brawl kicks off.

First up, know that you can skip some story fights altogether. Many that happen indoors - where you're supposed to clean house before moving on - can be skipped by cloaking and waiting until all the A.I. has reset, as the exit will likely open.

Second is using it to reset encounters everywhere else.

Random crimes, underground base fights or infiltrations - just disappear by hitting Up on the D-pad, zip to a wall or the ceiling and wait for the A.I. to show yellow question marks, then knock people out with web takedowns.

Keep in mind you can one-shot Heavy enemies with stealth - or bring scaffolding down on them as another option - so if one is giving you trouble, get out of there and come back for a takedown.

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