Spider-Man PS4: 10 Beloved Minor Villains We Want To See

1. The Vulture

Vulture Spider-Man Adrian Toomes
Marvel Comics

Don't like Michael Keaton's movie homage fool you, folks; The Vulture is far from the best of what the Spidey villain collective has to offer. Marvel Studios did a great job of adding the personal touch to help Toomes lead Spider-Man: Homecoming, but in truth the character has always been pretty small-time.

Fortunately, from a video game perspective, there is still plenty he could add in spite of this. Previous Spider-Man games have used The Vulture as a tool to add some airborne combat to the fray. If the pre-release promos for the new PS4 outing are to be believed, then the developers have put a lot of effort into making sure Spidey doesn't just stay close to the ground.

Combining the web-slinging with combat would be a great feature in this game - something that could be accentuated with Vulture's miniature henchmen from Superior Spider-Man stories. Taking Toomes' penchant for high-speed heists out of Homecoming and placing it in a few side quests here could be a stellar addition, and something to really liven up the use of quick time events through the mid-game portion.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.