Spider-Man PS4: 10 Best Costumes NOT In The Game

4. Manga Spider-Man

Spider Man Ps4

With the original comic book suit being included in the game, it's good proof that Insomniac can do wacky suits. What better than Manga Spidey?

As you'd expect from a manga riff of Spider-Man, this suit really stands out. The backpack, massive shoes, bandages wrapped around the arms and the big white eyes fit the younger Spider-Man surprisingly well and are almost reminiscent of Ultimate Spider-Man.

In the alternate universe where this outfit is worn, Peter Parker is a ninja from the Spider clan and is trained by his Uncle Ben. Ben is then murdered by Venom, and Peter goes out to exact revenge. It's all a weird twist on the typical Spider-Man formula, but it's pretty unique if nothing else.

The fact that Peter is a ninja in this universe makes it pretty clear that the suit power should be tied to stealth, such as causing Peter to disappear if enemies see him.

Considering that this suit would pretty much have to be done in a cel-shaded style, there's no doubt that it would stand out from the rest.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.