Spider-Man PS4: 10 Best Costumes NOT In The Game

3. Superior Spider-Man

Spider Man Ps4
Marvel Comics

As one of the best recent Spider-Man suits, it's shocking that the Superior Spider-Man costume isn't already in the game.

This is the costume that Otto Octavius wore during the time he took over Peter Parker's body and swore to be the better Spider-Man. Although it's a far cry from the classic suit, the new logo and mix of black and red made this an extremely popular design.

Considering all of the technological advancements that Otto made to this suit, the variety of suit gadgets to choose from is staggering. Anything from little Spider minions to the extra arms that Otto added would be a good choice to making the Superior Spider-Man suit feel like it came from the source material.

If you really want to please the fans, then why not go further and use the original Sam Raimi Alex Ross design that Superior was based off? It would be a huge missed opportunity not to.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.