Spider-Man PS4: 10 Cool Locations & Secrets You Must Find

5. Aunt May's Memorial

Spider Man Ps4 Ben Grave
Insomniac Games

Spider-Man’s climax, in the game’s most emotionally impactful moment, revolves around the death of Peter’s mother-figure, Aunt May.

Succumbing to the Devil’s Breath virus released by Doctor Octopus, May tells a distraught Peter to use the only sample of the cure to save the thousands of other infected citizens instead of solely her, and then passes away hand-in-hand with her beloved nephew.

It was a heart-rending moment, one that stuck with players long after the credits had rolled. Which is why, in an easter egg found only by players who returned to the F.E.A.S.T centre, a memorial for May struck such a sombre cord.

A heartstring-tugging secret easily missed by less explorative players, Aunt May’s F.E.A.S.T Memoriam placard was a nice post-game nod to the death of a beloved character.

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Writer, film fan, lover of Spider-Man, defender of Max Payne 3 and STILL not quite over Steve Irwin. See me try to be funny on twitter @NokesyPokesy