Spider-Man PS4: 10 Great Other Spider-Man Games To Keep You Going While Waiting For Miles Morales

8. Spider-Man: The Movie Game

spider-man ps2 game

Perhaps looking for something a bit more linear? Then the video-game adaptation of the original Sam Raimi film might be the game for you. The game features a mixture of levels that take inspiration directly from the movie, such as hunting down Uncle Ben's killer in a warehouse, to unique levels in the game's story, like fighting Shocker in a subway system!

Other villains like Vulture and Scorpion are also incorporated into the story too which keeps the game fresh throughout. Pair that with some small open world segments, a bunch of tutorial levels and a decent combat system and you've got yourself a fun way to spend a dozen hours.

But perhaps one of the best features is the cheat code system. You can even use a cheat code to play as Harry Osborn in the Green Goblin costume, glider included, or you can play as Mary Jane if that's more your style. It even has the classic big head mode. And to top it all off, Bruce Campbell is the game's tutorial narrator. Fantastic.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.