Spider-Man PS4: 10 Great Other Spider-Man Games To Keep You Going While Waiting For Miles Morales

9. Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows

spider-man ps2 game

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is a 2008 open-world game where Spider-Man has to fight off a symbiote apocalypse. Stuck in Manhattan, you have to help turn the tide against the infection while interacting with other characters from the Marvel Universe, including Luke Cage, Wolverine and Moon Knight. It didn't receive the best reviews at release, but don't let that put you off.

The game allows the player to swap between the classic red and blue suit to the symbiote suit at the press of the button, and throughout the game the player will get to make choices that affect the story and Spidey's moral alignment. The game even features four different endings!

The combat is surprisingly quite in-depth with lots of different combos and abilities, including aerial fighting, which is honestly just as fun as it sounds.

While the game's mechanics are a little bit dated and it has some odd story choices, it's a fun title that has some enjoyable combat and pretty entertaining character interactions. It can be a little bit hard to acquire these days, but if you want to see a symbiote Wolverine causing havoc, there's only one game that has you covered.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.