Spider-Man PS4: 10 Great Other Spider-Man Games To Keep You Going While Waiting For Miles Morales

2. Ultimate Spider-Man

spider-man ps2 game

Ultimate Spider-Man is unique in the way that it actually chose to focus on a specific Marvel comic and universe - the Ultimate Universe.

Somewhat adapting the Venom story arc from Brian Bendis and Mark Bagley's comic, the game starts you off in Queens before you can travel to Manhattan. You can also play as Venom which allows you to actually eat citizens. So, if you wanna do that you can.

The game's cut scenes and art style are directly inspired by the Ultimate comics and it gives the game a very unique feel to it. Alongside the usual story missions, you can also spend time racing the Human Torch or searching for hidden tokens.

Of all the games on this list, this is arguably one of the most unique.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.