Spider-Man PS4: 10 New Details You Need To Know

3. Everything About Side Missions

Spider-Man PS4 Combat

Like all open-world games, Insomniac are packing a ridiculous amount of content into their version of NYC. As is the standard of these releases, there'll be a wealth of random petty crimes that you can choose to interact with while you're swinging around, but it sounds as though the bulk of the side missions will be made up of fully-fledged quests, rather than small inconsequential activities.

Confirmed so far are the Far Cry-style outposts that Spidey will be tasked with clearing out, no doubt either by sneaking around and webbing up goons or by jumping into the thick of it and indulging in the Arkham-style combat system. It's been revealed that these outposts will have a narrative purpose as well, being the Kingpin's strongholds that you need to bring down in order to rid his influence from the city.

Other side missions are tied directly to villains from the Web Head's rogues gallery, including one that has you disarming bombs hidden by Taskmaster, as well as taking down Shocker, which has been teased in gameplay trailers already.

Those missions sound way more substantial than what's usually crammed into a Spidey open world, and should hopefully be of the same calibre as the main story quests.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3