Spider-Man PS4: 10 Ways It Blows Every Other Spidey Game Out The Water

7. The Easter Eggs

spider man ps4

One of the best things about Insomniac Games' Spider-Man, is the myriad of Easter eggs laden throughout the open world.

Many of the PS3/360 Spider-Man games from Activision were criticised for feeling sterile and lonely. The same cannot be said of Spider-Man PS4, as Peter Parker's world has never felt quite so rich and layered. That much is true from journeying through the story alone, however collecting the backpacks and finding nods hidden throughout New York really compound this issue.

There are 55 backpacks hidden through the game, each of which contains an Easter egg to both the Spider-Man story, and the Marvel Universe. These range from early Spider-Man prototypes to the menu from Peter and MJ's first date. They do an incredible job of rounding out the world and filling in the 8-year career of Spider-Man.

Future Marvel games need to take note.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.