Spider-Man PS4: 11 Fan Demands That Must Happen

10. Different Costumes That Effect Your Playstyle

Spider Man PS4
Insomniac Games

The most immediate sign that Insomniac were going to be putting their own spin on everyone's favourite friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man was the costume. Obviously still heavily influenced by the classic design (with a bit of symbiote inspiration thrown in for good measure), the new white tints and giant spider symbol on the chest were entirely new creations by the developers.

Fortunately, the radical new look isn't just something Insomniac did on a whim, and have confirmed that there will be a reason for the character's costume. Of course, even the tiniest changes to an iconic character like Spidey are met with unease, and there are a lot of players hoping that they'll be able to get their hands on the classic suit at some point in the game.

Even better, taking inspiration from the admittedly rubbish Amazing Spider-Man 2 game, Insomniac could imbue each costume with different strengths and weaknesses. A suit that benefits stealth could come in handy during certain missions, and result in radically different styles of play.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3