Spider-Man PS4: 15 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. Web Guys To Walls & Floors For Easy Takedowns, Plus How To Defeat Brutes

Spider Man Ps4 Web

For the most part you've got near-unlimited webbing. Swinging around the city can be done for as long as you like, and in combat, web cartridges fill back up pretty damn fast.

But there is a far better use for them than just spamming R1 and hoping for the best. Instead, go to web up enemies near walls, and you'll stick them to said surface, taking them out for the rest of the fight.

It works whenever any enemy is near any surface, or for the bigger types, when they're in a dazed state. For the Brutes you actually have to web them to even land a punch, so keep that in mind too.

Lastly, you can do this in mid-air on smaller foes, so leap up, hold square to kick someone out an area of conflict and pin them in place before carrying on.

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