Spider-Man PS4: 15 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

6. Use Spider-Bro During Stealth Attacks

Spider-Man PS4 Stark Suit

Something of a glitch - but it is also hilarious - you can use the "Spider-Bro" drone given to Spidey from Tony Stark (from the MCU, that's not a game spoiler) during stealth gameplay.

Yes, you have to have a full suit power meter (the one on the top-right), but click both sticks in and you'll summon the drone - even though you're still in "stealth mode".

Amusingly your little Spider-Bro will still go after enemies, unleashing missile barrages on them while you stay out the way. It looks pretty great, weakens larger groups and lures an entire area of goons into one place before you further pick them apart.


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