Spider-Man PS4: Every Boss Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Rhino & Scorpion

Spider Man Rhino

Of the game's two major two-on-one battles, the fight against Rhino and Scorpion is certainly more fun, even if you have to suffer through another interminable Miles stealth section in order to get there.

For starters, it's loaded with some of the best chatter in the main story ("Look out Rhino, poachers!"), and it's also a seemingly typical Big Monster Battle with a sly difference.

Spidey has to use the dock environment to smack Rhino around, and before long, Scorpion joins the fray just as things are starting to feel repetitive. Scorpion's arrival intensifies the strategy needed to keep them both at bay - one being close-up, the other deploying ranged attacks - and unlike the Vulture-Electro fight, you'll sometimes need to battle them both in extremely close proximity.

Thankfully the sprawling dock environment allows you to swing your way out of tight spots, and like the Shocker fight, this also feels like a classically comic book-inspired battle. Plus, Spidey locks the pair inside a shipping container at the end in order for them to "work things out", and that's awesome.

After that agonising sequel-bait tease in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, fans finally go to see a lavish, big-budget slug-fest between Spidey and Rhino. Rejoice!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.